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Seven friends pushing forty experience the bitter sting of mortality’s onslaught. Vanity’s deadly web drives each to farcical and super-natural means to preserve their physical allure. Aging millennials armed with more herbal remedies, anti-aging creams and plastic surgery alternatives than any generation in history search desperately to cure their sagging breasts, limp libidos, dwindling fertility, balding crowns and beer bellies with hilarious and tragic results, eventually leading to the simple revelation that inner beauty is  the secret to eternal youth. – To thine own self be true!



The rusted rooster weathervane crowning the dilapidated A-frame country barn spun in an off-centered counter clockwise ecliptic. Its cast iron hinges had loosened over the decades exposed to the harsh California sun and bitter rains to the point of rendering completely useless the metal bird’s wind predictability. 


The ancient cock crowed with a high-pitched screech as the Santa Ana gusts twirled its faded plume, an annoying banshee blending with the blaring rock ‘n roll music piercing the brisk morning air inside the barn.

The 1940’s barn was a long abandoned relic of a bygone era. The structure’s solid bones were a testimony to the care and quality of long forgotten craftsmanship. A frame carved out of sturdy redwood timber from the local forest stood defiant against the ravages of Mother Nature. Most of the window panes were either missing or laced with spider cracks. Its aluminum roof was warped and stained by age and crow dung. Still that old barn reeked of dignity and pride. No cosmetic upgrades for this former cowshed wallowing in his natural charm.

currently seeking agency representation
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